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18xx $1 Bank Of Sheboygan WI Obsolete Currency Note Great Condition GUNTY


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1839 $50 The Republic Of Texas Treasury Note (PMG 50)


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1860’s Obsolete Banknote Bank of Washington North Carolina $4 Note PCGS 68PPQ


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Full SET 7 notes 1870’s Austin, Nevada Manhattan Silver Mining Notes PMG graded


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Mississippi Obsolete Banknote Currency April 1, 1865 Jackson $50 PCGS 53


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Obsolete Banknote Currency Jan 1859 Charleston South Carolina $50 Note PMG VF20


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Obsolete Banknote Currency Feb 9, 1854 Columbia South Carolina $50 Note PMG VF25


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SC 1850s-60s Stonington, CT Stonington Bank $10 Remainder G48b PMG 63 EPQ


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1840 $10 New Orleans Improvement & Banking Co. Obsolete - PMG VF20! Very Rare!!


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Georgia Obsolete Currency 1860 Savannah GA Farmers & Mechanics $5 Choice AU-UNC



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1860's Bank of Washington North Carolina $4 Obsolete Currency PMG 64 Choice Unc


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Nov 4, 1857 Washington DC Obsolete Banknote Currency $20 Note PMG VF30 EPQ


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1860s $5 Bay State Mining Co. Eagle River Michigan PMG 45 Item #1998847-007


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1873 $2 South Carolina Railroad, Charleston Obsolete - PMG 65 EPQ! GEM+ Fricke


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1861 Maine Sanford Bank Obsolete Banknote Currency $5 Note PMG AU55 Beautiful!


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Nebraska Territory Sept 1, 1857 Obsolete Banknote Currency Omaha City $5 Note


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$3 1849 Waldoboro Maine ME Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill The Medomak Bank


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SC 1872 $20 State Of South Carolina Bond Script Obsolete PMG 66 EPQ


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Southern Bank Georgia Mar 1, 1858 Obsolete Banknote Currency Bainbridge $2 Note


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Southern Bank Georgia Mar 1, 1858 Obsolete Banknote Currency Bainbridge $1 Note


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AC Obsolete 1860's $5 Bank of America, Providence PMG 65 EPQ


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$5 18__ Windsor Vermont VT Obsolete Currency Uncut Bank Sheet Notes UNC++


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Washington DC Obsolete Banknote Currency Oct 8, 1855 The Arlington Bank $5 Note


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$10 1853 Washington D.C. Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Chemical Bank of DC


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$1 18__ Windsor Vermont VT Obsolete Currency Uncut Bank Sheet Notes UNC++


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Detroit Nov 1, 1862 Obsolete Banknote Currency State Bank Michigan 50 Cents Note


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$10 1850's Brewer Maine Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill The Agricultural Bank


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$.10 1862 Somerville New Jersey NJ Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Somerset


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AC Obsolete 1860's $2 Bank of America, Providence PMG 65 EPQ


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1860 $5 The Merchants and Planters Bank - Savannah, GEORGIA Note


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$1 1841 Freehold New Jersey NJ Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Monmouth Bank


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AC Obsolete 1860's $1 Bank of America, Providence Rhode Island PMG 65 EPQ


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1863 $20 State of Louisiana Civil War era P.G.T. Beauregard note


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1861 $2 Obsolete Note New Orleans Great Northern Rail Road Company CU


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$1 18__ Cincinnati Ohio OH Obsolete Currency Note Bill Remainder Bank of Cincy


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$5 18__ Windsor Vermont VT Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Remainder Rare UNC++


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GA $5 MILLEDGEVILLE State of Georgia January 15th, 1862 Cr. #5F scarce variety!


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$5 18__ Windsor Vermont VT Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Remainder Rare UNC++


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Obsolete, Georgia, 18XX, Savanah, Merchants and Planters Bank, $3, Three Dollars


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$1 1843 Plainfield New Jersey Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Plainfield Bank


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$5 18__ Windsor Vermont VT Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Remainder Rare UNC+


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$50 18__ Newton New Jersey NJ Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Remainder VF+


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$1 1853 Brewer Maine ME Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill The Agricultural Bank


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$1 1838 West Troy New York NY Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Watervliet Bank


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$5 1848 Harrisburg Pennsylvania Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Harrisburg Bank


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$5 1841 Bristol Pennsylvania PA Obsolete Currency Bank Note Bill Bucks County!


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